Thursday, February 1, 2018

What's In A Name?

“If I’m going to tell a real story, I’m going to start with my name.” –Kendrick Lamar

Although you don’t have control over what you are named at birth you come to realize your name literally defines your existence. It is the first line of your story. It is what you answer to. It is the label to your identity and is perhaps the most important sound in your language. Knowing these truths and having the task to name someone else can truly be challenging. I am pregnant with my third child and first baby girl so I really put a lot of thought into her name. Of course you have those negative thoughts of “what would look good on a job application?” “If she writes this name down will she be overlooked?” “Will she be judged?” “Will she be made fun of?” But then a light bulb went off! The truth is…I don’t WANT her to have to fill out job applications. I want her to become her own boss! I’m going to teach her that it’s ok to be overlooked. There is no need to try to “fit in” when you were born to “stand out! I’m also going to explain to her that Jesus was judged and made fun of (by his own people) but that didn’t stop him from carrying out his mission nor did it take away from the purpose and calling he already had on his life!

I want to evoke a feeling when speaking her name. I want it to be unique, different, and powerful. I want people to feel something when her name is mentioned because that’s the kind of impact I want her to leave on this world. I have a very unique name. One I had to come to like. I hated my name growing up. Same story for her father and her two big brothers. We all have different names and have had the struggle of accepting our names because of its uniqueness. But we live in such a forward and unconventional time that peculiar names aren’t that uncommon. As a matter of fact they are becoming more prevalent.

Not only are unconventional names more popular but we are living in a world focusing more on entrepreneurship and branding! Your brand name literally speaks for you! So of course as a serial entrepreneur and Mogul in the Making my goal is to instill the importance of these things in my children. Why not start off by giving her a name unlike any other? A name that is not only unique (as a name) and royal and its sound but forward, magical, enchanting, cunning, fascinating, charming, mystique, and special. Literally all of the things I want my princess to be. And all of the things she WILL be with the guidance of her parents and her amazing tribe. I want to give her a name that leaves you no choice BUT to raise an eyebrow AND your head!

So…what’s in a name?


Her Name is…..Glamour.

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