Saturday, February 24, 2018's a secret!

There’s so many guru’s and coaches and experts in the world! I honestly get a little discouraged in this crowded space as I too find my space in what seems to be a watered down, condensed, monetary pipeline we tend to call life. At the tender age of thirty I’ve been through a few things in my life. I know a lot about A LOT! (if that makes sense) And honestly all I want to do is share my experiences…in love, womanhood, sisterhood, and life. Not only is it therapeutic for me but you never know who else it may help. Since writing my book “My FAT is NOT a Flaw” in 2013 I found out very quickly just how much your story can effect, impact, and help someone else. So…until I’m tired I’ll keep sharing. Thanks for rocking with me!

Today! Today I want to share with you one of my secrets. Well…maybe not exactly a secret but during this pregnancy (my third) I found this age old saying to be very true. Are you ready??........
“When you look good, you feel good”! I KNOW! I KNOW! You’re probably like “GIRL BYE! THAT AIN’T NO SECRET”! But truly…it is! It’s super cliche' and often said applying to life. But I found it more so to be true while pregnant. My first two times around I struggled! I was almost four hundred pounds and lost my zest for life around the fifth month mark. I was tired and I rarely wanted to comb my hair or get dressed. I stopped working rather early too. But this time around I’ve lost a bit of weight which I am sure added to my energy levels, however I realized that if only I had the same mindset then as I do now I probably would have worked a bit longer, felt a little better, and had more confidence.

Even when I don’t want to I find myself doing just a little extra to spruce up my appearance. I take more pride in the way I look and it makes me feel literally 100% better about my day! When pregnant you are constantly having mood swings. One day you feel like Beyoncé and the next day you feel like an orge. One day you feel like being on stage, the next day you feel like crawling into a whole. So those “feel good” days…especially towards the end, are few far and in between! But…the trick is to take the extra step to feel good. Sounds so simple right? I swear sometimes just doing that one extra thing to add to your appearance can be the TOUGHEST task for the day. But once you do it truly does elevate your entire day.

Every morning when I get to work I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I make sure my hair is good and combed and styled. I make sure my lippie is poppin and clothes are fitting. And then I snap a selfie! *Yall know there’s nothing like a good bathroom mirror selfie.* But seriously..I look at that picture and see how good I look and it makes me feel good. I feel like I am going to conquer the day. And when I need a little more reassuring or an extra boost of “feel good” sometimes I’ll send the picture to my family group text or post my selfie and see what my social media fam thinks. The positive feedback and encouragement adds to the good vibes. When pregnant we are constantly seeking those feel good moments. Those moments that helps us forget, even if just for a minute or two, that we are carrying a whole human, our feet may be swelling, we’ve gained twenty pounds, we may be super hungry, and our skin may feel like the back of of an alligator!

So ladies…pregnant or not (but especially when pregnant) do your best to keep your hair and nails done. Get you some clothes that are fashionable and fit your growing body. Maternity clothes are NOT your only option.  You can shop where you’d usually shop just go a size up. If you are like me and HATE mornings try your best to get up a little earlier so you can spend a little more time on getting ready. Even if it’s as simple as putting on lipstick or wearing a heel that day. Or you can go all out and give yourself a GOOD beat… highlight, contour…THE WORKS! I promise you…”when you LOOK good, you FEEL good”!

Now do me a favor and....

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