Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Her Name is...Glamour!

“What’s her name”? 
“What are you going to name her”? 
“Got a name yet”? 

These have GOT to be the most popular question I’ve received since revealing the gender of our first baby girl. And I thought about it. WE thought about it! It was truly a collective effort. We initially were searching for girl names that started with a “J” because both boys had names that begin with “J”. But nothing really stood out to us. My mom actually came to us with a name that we did like. And it actually mimicked her name. Initially we went with it as I DID want to incorporate my mom’s name somehow since my boys have part of my father’s name. You know…I wanted to pay homage in a sense. A couple of months went by and we stuck with the name and slowly but surely it lost its spark. It didn’t make me feel that POWER I wanted to feel in my FIRST BABY GIRL’S name. So…I thought about it and thought about it. Talked about it with my husband. Almost every conversation we talked about names. But one day I was alone thinking about the amazing task of raising this mini me I was gifted. What I wanted her to become. Asking God how was I going to instill in her all the things my mother instilled in me? Was I ready for such a task? Could I really handle another female in the house after being the only one for so many years? God answered all of those questions and then some. Then BOOM he dropped this name in my heart and I literally got chills.

When I spoke the name I felt it in my spirit! Glamour! THAT’S IT! Surely everyone knows what “glamour” is but what is it as a name? To me “glamour” is a lifestyle. And everyone can experience a touch of glamour no matter how much money you make or your chosen profession. I am glamour! She is glamour! Glamour is sparkle, shine, & CONFIDENCE! It’s magic, enchanting, alluring, and mystique. All of the things I want my baby girl to know that she CAN be! The idea of “glamour” doesn’t just apply to the beauty and fashion industry. But aforementioned it’s a way of life. It’s a standard to be the best at whatever it is you choose. I can see the name “Glamour” in lights, on a billboard, on a clothing tag, on beauty products, on the back of a Jersey, on a name tag reading “Dr. Glamour”, on the front of buildings, and of course on CHECKS! “Glamour” is already a brand. And the plan is to raise brand builders, and moguls. So no…she will NOT have a regular schmegular name…because she won’t be a regular schmegular person. Extraordinary is the goal in whatever she puts her mind to.

The people will talk. Eyes will roll, brows will raise. But so will heads and ears. People will want to know more about the girl named Glamour. And she will be ready! I mean…look who her mother is! Uhmmm Kay.

Her Name is …Glamour!


  1. Awwww baby momma!!!!! You have to love the name you choose and I think it’s perfect ✨✨ ... I will miss calling her jelli thou lol

    1. No worries boo! We'll still call her Jelli!!! It's part of her middle name.
