Monday, February 26, 2018

A Touch of Glamour!

I always believed everyone can sparkle & shine! And everyone deserves to experience a touch of glamour every now and again. The truth is we all don’t live or travel with “glam squads”. Many of us don’t even have access to beauty professionals. 
(which is why my new business launching March 24th will include a directory of Beauty Professionals across the country!)  

But I am truly blessed to be surrounded by some gifted and talented people who happen to be my friends! For the past few years maternity shoots have become more and more popular. They have transitioned from the boring in studio grey backdrops with white columns to outdoorsy, beach vibes, and super artistic. Even nude maternity photoshoots are becoming more and more popular. Now yall know I’m brave but honey I’m not THAT brave! Uhmmm kay!! I mean the internets (yas honey...the internetS!) has been crowded with some maternity shoots that were just ridiculous! And I definitely didn’t want to fall in THAT category.

This is my third pregnancy but my very first maternity shoot! Since naming the baby Glamour I wanted the shoot to reflect that. We wanted to do a softer, natural, and lighter glam look. Then rev it up a bit with a full blown glitter, sparkle, and dramatic look. Diva has been a tag name of mine forever. Everyone knows I like to be extra sometimes. But being pregnant you don’t always feel like a Diva. You don’t always feel “glamourous”. And you don’t always feel confident. So I wanted to do a shoot that would allow me to feel all of these things simultaneously hoping to capture some great shots to not only feel that touch of glamour for myself but also show the other pregnant women that we CAN be PREGNANT & POPPIN! We don't always feel and look like Helga from Hey Arnold! We can POP OUT! Ya know?!!

I want to thank my sister Aja Johnson @classicbeautyboss for beating my face to the Gods and taking these awesome photos! I couldn’t imagine trying to pull this off without her. 
I want to thank my sis Melissa Holland  @i_am_mrs_holland for slaying my hair and assisting with the shoot the entire day! (and for being my baby shower coordinator) 
And I MUST send a huge shout out to my good friend, my darling Shanda King Freeman @missshanda and my brother Laz for allowing me to turn their beautiful new home into my studio for the day! Her interior design is unmatched and was JUST what I wanted for the feel of the shoot. Thank you guys SO much for always coming through for me. It’s so good to have friends that reciprocate the love many times far and beyond the call of duty!

So…here ya go. Experience some of the magic yourself!

“It’s a Glamour Thing”

Her Name is Glamour

Outfit details
Black dress-Curve Culture Boutique
White dress-Fashion Nova Curve

Saturday, February 24, 2018's a secret!

There’s so many guru’s and coaches and experts in the world! I honestly get a little discouraged in this crowded space as I too find my space in what seems to be a watered down, condensed, monetary pipeline we tend to call life. At the tender age of thirty I’ve been through a few things in my life. I know a lot about A LOT! (if that makes sense) And honestly all I want to do is share my experiences…in love, womanhood, sisterhood, and life. Not only is it therapeutic for me but you never know who else it may help. Since writing my book “My FAT is NOT a Flaw” in 2013 I found out very quickly just how much your story can effect, impact, and help someone else. So…until I’m tired I’ll keep sharing. Thanks for rocking with me!

Today! Today I want to share with you one of my secrets. Well…maybe not exactly a secret but during this pregnancy (my third) I found this age old saying to be very true. Are you ready??........
“When you look good, you feel good”! I KNOW! I KNOW! You’re probably like “GIRL BYE! THAT AIN’T NO SECRET”! But truly…it is! It’s super cliche' and often said applying to life. But I found it more so to be true while pregnant. My first two times around I struggled! I was almost four hundred pounds and lost my zest for life around the fifth month mark. I was tired and I rarely wanted to comb my hair or get dressed. I stopped working rather early too. But this time around I’ve lost a bit of weight which I am sure added to my energy levels, however I realized that if only I had the same mindset then as I do now I probably would have worked a bit longer, felt a little better, and had more confidence.

Even when I don’t want to I find myself doing just a little extra to spruce up my appearance. I take more pride in the way I look and it makes me feel literally 100% better about my day! When pregnant you are constantly having mood swings. One day you feel like BeyoncĂ© and the next day you feel like an orge. One day you feel like being on stage, the next day you feel like crawling into a whole. So those “feel good” days…especially towards the end, are few far and in between! But…the trick is to take the extra step to feel good. Sounds so simple right? I swear sometimes just doing that one extra thing to add to your appearance can be the TOUGHEST task for the day. But once you do it truly does elevate your entire day.

Every morning when I get to work I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I make sure my hair is good and combed and styled. I make sure my lippie is poppin and clothes are fitting. And then I snap a selfie! *Yall know there’s nothing like a good bathroom mirror selfie.* But seriously..I look at that picture and see how good I look and it makes me feel good. I feel like I am going to conquer the day. And when I need a little more reassuring or an extra boost of “feel good” sometimes I’ll send the picture to my family group text or post my selfie and see what my social media fam thinks. The positive feedback and encouragement adds to the good vibes. When pregnant we are constantly seeking those feel good moments. Those moments that helps us forget, even if just for a minute or two, that we are carrying a whole human, our feet may be swelling, we’ve gained twenty pounds, we may be super hungry, and our skin may feel like the back of of an alligator!

So ladies…pregnant or not (but especially when pregnant) do your best to keep your hair and nails done. Get you some clothes that are fashionable and fit your growing body. Maternity clothes are NOT your only option.  You can shop where you’d usually shop just go a size up. If you are like me and HATE mornings try your best to get up a little earlier so you can spend a little more time on getting ready. Even if it’s as simple as putting on lipstick or wearing a heel that day. Or you can go all out and give yourself a GOOD beat… highlight, contour…THE WORKS! I promise you…”when you LOOK good, you FEEL good”!

Now do me a favor and....

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Her Name is...Glamour!

“What’s her name”? 
“What are you going to name her”? 
“Got a name yet”? 

These have GOT to be the most popular question I’ve received since revealing the gender of our first baby girl. And I thought about it. WE thought about it! It was truly a collective effort. We initially were searching for girl names that started with a “J” because both boys had names that begin with “J”. But nothing really stood out to us. My mom actually came to us with a name that we did like. And it actually mimicked her name. Initially we went with it as I DID want to incorporate my mom’s name somehow since my boys have part of my father’s name. You know…I wanted to pay homage in a sense. A couple of months went by and we stuck with the name and slowly but surely it lost its spark. It didn’t make me feel that POWER I wanted to feel in my FIRST BABY GIRL’S name. So…I thought about it and thought about it. Talked about it with my husband. Almost every conversation we talked about names. But one day I was alone thinking about the amazing task of raising this mini me I was gifted. What I wanted her to become. Asking God how was I going to instill in her all the things my mother instilled in me? Was I ready for such a task? Could I really handle another female in the house after being the only one for so many years? God answered all of those questions and then some. Then BOOM he dropped this name in my heart and I literally got chills.

When I spoke the name I felt it in my spirit! Glamour! THAT’S IT! Surely everyone knows what “glamour” is but what is it as a name? To me “glamour” is a lifestyle. And everyone can experience a touch of glamour no matter how much money you make or your chosen profession. I am glamour! She is glamour! Glamour is sparkle, shine, & CONFIDENCE! It’s magic, enchanting, alluring, and mystique. All of the things I want my baby girl to know that she CAN be! The idea of “glamour” doesn’t just apply to the beauty and fashion industry. But aforementioned it’s a way of life. It’s a standard to be the best at whatever it is you choose. I can see the name “Glamour” in lights, on a billboard, on a clothing tag, on beauty products, on the back of a Jersey, on a name tag reading “Dr. Glamour”, on the front of buildings, and of course on CHECKS! “Glamour” is already a brand. And the plan is to raise brand builders, and moguls. So no…she will NOT have a regular schmegular name…because she won’t be a regular schmegular person. Extraordinary is the goal in whatever she puts her mind to.

The people will talk. Eyes will roll, brows will raise. But so will heads and ears. People will want to know more about the girl named Glamour. And she will be ready! I mean…look who her mother is! Uhmmm Kay.

Her Name is …Glamour!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

What's In A Name?

“If I’m going to tell a real story, I’m going to start with my name.” –Kendrick Lamar

Although you don’t have control over what you are named at birth you come to realize your name literally defines your existence. It is the first line of your story. It is what you answer to. It is the label to your identity and is perhaps the most important sound in your language. Knowing these truths and having the task to name someone else can truly be challenging. I am pregnant with my third child and first baby girl so I really put a lot of thought into her name. Of course you have those negative thoughts of “what would look good on a job application?” “If she writes this name down will she be overlooked?” “Will she be judged?” “Will she be made fun of?” But then a light bulb went off! The truth is…I don’t WANT her to have to fill out job applications. I want her to become her own boss! I’m going to teach her that it’s ok to be overlooked. There is no need to try to “fit in” when you were born to “stand out! I’m also going to explain to her that Jesus was judged and made fun of (by his own people) but that didn’t stop him from carrying out his mission nor did it take away from the purpose and calling he already had on his life!

I want to evoke a feeling when speaking her name. I want it to be unique, different, and powerful. I want people to feel something when her name is mentioned because that’s the kind of impact I want her to leave on this world. I have a very unique name. One I had to come to like. I hated my name growing up. Same story for her father and her two big brothers. We all have different names and have had the struggle of accepting our names because of its uniqueness. But we live in such a forward and unconventional time that peculiar names aren’t that uncommon. As a matter of fact they are becoming more prevalent.

Not only are unconventional names more popular but we are living in a world focusing more on entrepreneurship and branding! Your brand name literally speaks for you! So of course as a serial entrepreneur and Mogul in the Making my goal is to instill the importance of these things in my children. Why not start off by giving her a name unlike any other? A name that is not only unique (as a name) and royal and its sound but forward, magical, enchanting, cunning, fascinating, charming, mystique, and special. Literally all of the things I want my princess to be. And all of the things she WILL be with the guidance of her parents and her amazing tribe. I want to give her a name that leaves you no choice BUT to raise an eyebrow AND your head!

So…what’s in a name?


Her Name is…..Glamour.